Watch Apricot Blossom In Snow For One Born In Seven Months (1994) : Full Movie Online Free When the young King Danjong accedes to the throne, the Court is in chaos. In this moment, Han Myeong-Hoe, who feels strongly the absurdity of the society, appears. He cherishes an ambition with the help of his friend Kwon Rang. The plot of Han Myeong-Hoe kills Kim Jong-Seo and Hwang Bo-In, who grope for the regency of the King Anpyeong. After that, his plot kills the scholars of Jibhyeonjeon, who plan for comeback of Danjong, as well. Han Myeong-Hoe obtains a high government position twice in the chaos of the death of the King Keumseong and the exile of the King Danjong.